Monday, August 31, 2009

Optica released


Optica has finally been released. Designed by my friend Manolo Guerrero to pay homage to the op art by colombian artist Omar Rayo. Described as an insane typeface design and awarded by the TDC, this typeface is ideal for titles and recommended for sizes above 100 pt. You can purchase it at My Fonts with a special offer during september.

Optica finalmente ha sido publicada. Diseñada por mi amigo Manolo Guerrero para rendir homenaje al arte óptico del artista colombiano Omar Rayo. Descrita como un diseño de tipografía enfermo y premiada por el TDC, esta tipografía es ideal para grandes títulos, mayores a 100 pt. Pueden adquilirla en My Fonts con un descuento especial durante septiembre.

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